Brisbane Plumbers & Gas Fitters

Service Locating


Service Locating

When completing any earthworks and digging around your home or property it’s crucial that you know where any underground services are located. This ensures that you won’t be interfering or damaging any electrical connections or piping. In fact, if you fail to carry out the correct due diligence, you’ll be liable for any damages that do occur.

Get Our Team of Pros on the Case

At Cylinder Plumbing, we’re qualified and experienced when it comes to locating underground services. We have the expertise and the equipment to easily trace any piping, cables, sewage, water, gas, internet or phone services that may be located on or around your property. 

Have a construction job coming up in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast or the Gold Coast and want a team of professionals to locate your underground services?

What’s the Process?

Step One: Locate

We’ll start by finding any services in the area that will be impacted by your work.

Step Two: Depth

We’ll figure out how deep the underground services are located so that we know if they’ll be impacted by your earthworks.

Step Three: Analysis

If necessary, we’ll help you to adjust the plans for your project to ensure that they won’t disrupt any underground services.

Want our team to take care of service locating for your next construction project?

What Are We Working With?

At Cylinder Plumbing, we have the latest technology and a range of equipment that will locate your underground services whether they’re made of PVC, concrete or copper.

✔ Fibreglass Rod Tracer
✔ 2D Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) 
✔ Electromagnetic Field Technology (EMF)
✔ Sonde

Do you want the peace of mind of having your underground services located by the latest technology?